Clinics & Services

The Practice contracts with NHS Tayside Board to provide the following services, which are more fully described in the General Medical Services Contract.  Patients should note that they will be asked to attend the appropriate healthcare professional when accessing these services, which may not always be the GP.

Essential Services

All GP practices are contracted to provide core services for their patients.  The practice also provides the following:

Additional Services

  • Cervical screening.
  • Contraceptive Services.
  • Child Health Surveillance in conjunction with the Health Visitor.
  • Minor Surgery procedures of curettage, cautery, cryotherapy of warts and verrucae, and other skin lesions.

Enhanced Services

  • Regular monitoring of patients on a range of drugs for arthritis and bowel problems.
  • Minor Surgery – an extended minor surgery role can be undertaken by the practice for certain procedures at the discretion of the GP.

Chronic Disease Management

If you are a patient living with a chronic disease (e.g. diabetes, asthma, COPD, hypertension, mental health issues, stroke, ischaemic heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and epilepsy) we help by monitoring your health. This usually involves attending the practice for some measurements and tests but you can have the option of submitting some information electronically. A follow up appointment with the doctor or nurse might be necessary or wanted and is usually by telephone but sometimes this can be arranged face to face or by video link

For a lot of people with chronic diseases, what you do day-to-day can make a big difference to the management of your condition and the quality of life you experience. Making changes to your lifestyle may be a part of this, which may include changing what you're eating, stopping smoking, being more active and reducing your alcohol intake. It can be hard to make changes and know where to start. For some help with this, the following website has information and worksheets that might help you plan out and make any changes. The Angus Mental Health & Wellbeing Enhanced Community Support Hubs may also be able to help you - see this link.

We also know that living with a chronic disease, can be difficult. The following website has various information and resources to download around physical health problems, that you may find useful:

Index of Healthcare Services

Asthma Management: By appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Cervical Smears: Appointments with the Practice Nurse are available for this.

Contraception/Family Planning: GPs, Practice Nurses and Health Visitors all give family planning advice including emergency contraception.  Referrals can also be made to Kirriemuir Health Centre for the insertion and removal of contraceptive devices.

Dietary Advice: By appointment with the Practice Nurse.  The Health Visitor can also provide information and advice on health related topics e.g. smoking, alcohol and exercise.

Immunisations/Vaccinations: Appointments will be sent out by the Tayside Immunisation Team.

Mental Health and Wellbeing: via the Angus Mental Health & Wellbeing Enhanced Community Support Hubs - see this link.

Paediatric Screening: All GPs are qualified to assess pre-school children.  The Health Visitor will contact you and advise the parent to make an appointment with the GP to complete this.

Physiotherapy: First Contact Physiotherapy appointments are now available and can be booked by our Reception Team.  Please ask for more details.

Postnatal Care: A 6-week postnatal appointment is strongly recommended, and new mothers should make this appointment.

Sleep Clinic: By referral from the GP.

Treatment Room: By appointment with the Practice Nurse, Practice Health Care Assistant, or CTAC (Community Treatment and Care) team, for blood test, injections, dressings, blood pressure readings, etc.

Wart Clinic: By appointment with the Health Care Assistant every month, after initial discussion with a GP.

Weight Management: By referral from your GP and by appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Other Services available - please click on the links below:

Exercise poster

Pharmacy First poster

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